ACLU calls for termination of CCSD police officer, DA to investigate after excessive force accusations

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) -- The American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada is calling for the Clark County District Attorney to investigate a CCSD police officer who was accused of using excessive force on a student.

The incident, which was captured on cell phone video, happened Thursday near Durango High School.

The ACLU is representing the two students involved in that confrontation with the Clark County School District Police Department.

Athar Haseebullah of the ACLU said the incident is not an isolated one and accuses CCSDPD of a pattern of violence against students.

“Do individuals, do people have to die in order for there to be an actual investigation? We don't want to see any of our students’ names at the end of a hashtag. That unfortunately seems like the only way to get a response when it comes to accountability,” Haseebullah said.

The officer involved in that confrontation was reassigned. Videos show the officer apparently grabbing a student from the back, placing his hand around the teen’s neck, and taking him to the ground.

The teen told 8 News Now he was walking from a shopping area to track practice at Durango High School.

CCSD police said officers were responding to a firearms call, but the ACLU questions that, saying no weapons were found.

“So why don't they put out the details of this alleged firearm? I've hired multiple stories at this point and they're all BS. The video speaks for itself. I don't think anyone saw a firearm in the video. I don't think an officer said, put your hands up. Or anything else of the sort,” Haseebullah said.

Haseebullah said the officer should be fired.

Matt Caldwell, the executive director of the police officer’s association at CCSDPD, released a statement to 8 News Now saying:

“The department will conduct a complete and thorough investigation of the incident. They will base their decision on CCSDPD Policy, CCSD Policy, Nevada Law, and established federal laws. The decision on the lawfulness and or appropriateness of the officer's actions will take place during the investigation process and nowhere else.”

CCSD Superintendent Dr. Jesus Jara asked for a review of the police department’s use of force policy and protocol.

CCSDPD Chief Mike Blackeye released a statement on Wednesday regarding the investigation:

“As Clark County School District Superintendent Dr. Jesus F. Jara has requested, we are reviewing the Department’s Use of Force Policy and protocols. In addition to that work, the Department is in the process of organizing diverse community members to interface and inform school police through regular meetings to share perspectives, ideas, and results through constructive dialogue about student and staff safety on our campuses and in our facilities. The primary goal of the committee will be to inform and provide feedback to solve issues and concerns collectively while also providing committee members a better understanding of the operations and functions of the Department. The first agenda item will be their review of the Use of Force policy and protocols. The investigation into the incident that occurred six days ago continues, and the officer involved has been assigned to other duties until the investigation is concluded. A complete and thorough investigation in accordance with the law, policy, and collective bargaining agreements must occur. Anything less would be a disservice to all parties involved. At the conclusion, any information related to the outcome of the investigation will be released in accordance with the law, policy, and collective bargaining agreements.”

from KLAS


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